Thank you for choosing to volunteer at the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services of Florida (DHHSFL). Volunteer action is a key part of DHHSFL’s mission and your service can make a huge impact. It’s a big job and an important one for all of us in this community. We are thrilled and thankful that you have chosen to join us.
As a volunteer, you are special. The time you offer is a gift to our staff. You are the extra hand offering a high five congratulations when a new skill is mastered, the extra smile that welcomes our consumers. You bring unique talents, skills, and energies into our organization.
Helping you become a successful volunteer is the purpose of the DHHSFL program. Please let us know how we can make your time in your school more pleasant, productive, and personally satisfying. We get our best ideas for program improvements from you. Check out “About Volunteering” to read more information about which area you are looking for to become a volunteer.
Again, thank you for your efforts on behalf of all of our volunteers. We believe working with you is both a pleasure and privilege and trust that you will find it so as well.
The Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services is a great experience. No matter what your age is, they treat you respectfully. They are patient when it comes to ASL and explaining things to their customers and are very welcoming and nice. I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world.
- High School Volunteer